Exclusive Interview

After a long, hard journey across the Country to compete in the Buildbase FA Vase, Sean Moore’s Fiancé Jessica Jones gives us here at Binfield FC an insight into what it’s been like behind the scenes of Binfield FC’s achievement to the Buildbase FA Vase Final at Wembley Stadium.

What’s the journey been like alongside Sean’s here at Binfield FC?

“The journey has definitely had its ups and downs. When Parker was little, it was tough to bring him to watch, especially being there on my own. So, we have spent a lot of Saturday’s without Sean. Now Parker is at a better age, it’s great to take him down to the club. He loves having a kick about with all the other children and making new friends, and also he loves all the attention as everyone knows who he is. It’s good for me too as some of my family have started to come down to watch Sean play and I’m hoping their Wembley journey will encourage more fans at the club.”

How does it feel to be going to Wembley?

“Wembley is always such an exciting experience. I’ve been a few times to watch the football, but nothing will compare to watching Sean play. It will also be something for Parker to remember for the rest of his life. What 3-year-olds can say they’ve watched their daddy captain the team out at Wembley?”

When the final whistle blew last Saturday, how did you celebrate?

“Parker and I were jumping around the room for 10 minutes. We had a call from my uncle celebrating and then face-timed Sean’s mum. I had loads of messages congratulating Sean on our family chats.”

What was it like to see Sean make it to one of the World’s biggest Football stages?

“It was really emotional -I felt happy, relived, excited and proud. I remember him calling me in tears and saying, I’ve come out the changing room in my pants as I had to call you.  We had a good sob on the phone together and couldn’t wait for him to get home. Although, when he did he literally told me 10 times “babe, we’re going to Wembley.”

Will you be attending the final?

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!  It is my birthday weekend, so he better appreciate me coming, haha.”

Have you been preparing for the final?

“I’ve been helping Sean with the tickets, making sure he’s always got his kit washed, and I’ve been making sure we’re eating good dinners when he’s at home. My self personally, I’ve organised for the dog to be looked after and just need to make sure Parker has enough snacks for the journey down!”

How did Parker react when he saw that Sean’s team won?

“At the beginning he was slightly confused to why I was shouting and jumping all over the place, until I said Daddy won! He then joined in and started jumping over the sofa shouting “We’re going to Wembley, I’m so happy”. It took him at least 15 minutes to calm down.”

And Lastly, how is Parker Feeling since the last game?

“Parker is so proud. He tells everyone we see, “My daddy is playing at Wembley”. He’s loved watching the live streams and seeing his daddy on the TV and in the paper. I’m confident this whole experience has inspired Parker – he’s always telling us he wants to be a striker for Chelsea (not influenced by Sean at all – haha)”

Binfield FC take on Warrington Rylands in the Buildbase FA Vase Final at Wembley Stadium this Saturday, for the first time in HISTORY.