Covid 19: A message from the chairman

After many days, it’s clear for all to see that Corvid-19 is well and truly with us. Without going into all the why’s and wherefore’s, we all know what we should be doing in order to steer clear of the virus and we should all follow Government guidelines and act appropriately.

As for the football club, it is also clear that we:

  • will not be playing football or
  • training for the foreseeable future.

Self-isolating and social distancing is something that we must all adhere to, whether we like it or not, not just for our own safety and health, but for those we come into contact with.

As a community football club, we serve the Binfield village and are proud to be a vital part of our locality. The football club doesn’t stop. We have a good committee and we are in communication about various ways forward, with a view to the future. Some decisions will be difficult to make at present as we await to see various outcomes. To that end, we will be asking for volunteers to help out around the club at various points over the coming weeks and days.

Whilst you may be having a bit of down time at the moment from football, can I please ask you to keep an eye out for the elderly, infirm, those in need, those who are lonely, those that are housebound, those that need shopping doing, those that need taking to medical appointments and ask that you “be kind”.

Football will start again when this is all over and done with, but in meantime, be vigilant and aware, take care of yourself and take care of others.